Today was a MoMiles Ride
5:45am. I was in my own sci-if dream world, viewing pairs of bright lights flying by below at freeway speeds, while my clear polarized lenses battled to keep focus with the surrounding darkness. So having been awake for less than an hour, I was surprised to see a single bright light appear behind me. A rider was not only gaining, but passing me. Quickly. I dove to my right as he blazed the trail ahead. Except, he couldn't drop me.
After I did my initial assessment I realized I neutralized the target and introduced myself. Adam, a former high school mtb coach, had completed "Cycle Oregon" earlier this year, via a tandem with his wife. And yes, they are still married. In between conversations we traded leads while his sick descending skills (thanks to mtbs and motorcycle skills) lead me to various downhill the dark no less.
We parted ways in San Rafael but I wasn't about to slow down. The roads turned wet, and the fog grew dense as I mashed on towards Ocean Beach. Yes, I was riding from home, and today was a ride of freedom. Freedom from a basic 19 mile commute. Freedom of with-holding my appetite at lunch. But best of all, a freeing of my mind from the crazy at my work. Three hours, 47 miles, and a new friend. Today, was a MoMiles ride. I hope you have one soon.
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