Enjoy the Ride
Tour de Fat is in town. A great event to promote cycling as an alternative to cars, celebrate a great beer (Fat Tire), and just have fun. Though I have no time to attend, I regularly enjoy the ride as they say.
Riding solo this morning my plan was to add a few climbs. I reached my first climb by 540am, but I wasn't solo anymore. Besides a hunched up coyote, a deer, and a buck showing off his antlers in my direction I was passed by Rob. His effortless glide to the summit was only contrasted by the gasps for air I managed while keeping him in sight. We departed ways at the bottom though, as he went to find the Raider's during their morning ride.
Relaxed and warmed up I moved onwards to the tip of the Headlands, packed of photographers and cyclists all clicking away as the fog danced amongst the hills in anticipation of the sunrise.
But the shot I didn't get, is one I'll never forget. Descending with some Raiders (yes they caught me) I saw white darting fog, as thick as a blanket. As the three in front of me banked a hard right, their red rear lights blinked in chaos as if calling to the bright orange sphere that pierced through the fog like a mother ship. And I mean sphere, like a basketball. No rays to be seen, just a magnificent fireball that could easily hypnotize you into heading off course. But I was fully aware of my surroundings, and only regretted not being able to capture the moment.
I left the group after the bridge so I could relax once again and enjoy the ride at my own pace. As I build up my efforts I too will ride San Bruno Mountain (as the rest of the group headed for) before work. Next week will be full of opportunities for climbing. It has to be as I'm only 3 weeks out from Levi's Grandfondo. I just hope my new 1,200 lumens powered light comes in. If the coyote is still hungry I'd prefer to see him before he sees me.
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