I Won, Twice

And not a single cup to show for it. Was I trying? Sure, just enough. It was one of those laizy start mornings. 5am the alarm goes off, and the next thing I'm doing is repairing my son's flat tire. He has mountain bike camp this week. I'm so excited for him, yet nervous too. I won't be there to carry everything for him. Not there to remind him to feather his brakes, relax and enjoy the ride. 

As I started to find my rythm on the Mill Valley bike path I turned back. I looked at the Sleeping lady. She was waking up to a beautiful blue sky morning. Be good to my son, I told her. Just as you've been good to me. And we'll be riding you for generations to come. Oh man, another year or so and it will be my daughter's turn.

All this nervous energy served me well as I made my mark on a pair of riders this morning. Even passed one guy twice despite his shortcut. Despite my triumph, I can't wait to get home and hear my son's stories over and over and over again.


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