Gotta Keep Spinning to Keep Up
As I caught up to my buddies, they asked what did you forget? You see Ed completely through me off my game by showing up last at our meeting spot, yet accusing me of being the hold up. Hah hah very funny so off we rolled. And 5 yards later I realized I forgot my wallet. Which I left in my bag. Which of course was sitting outside of my car waiting for a new owner since obviously I don't take very good care of it. What's a one minute lead, they'll go slow. So I closed my car door (yes I forgot my water bottle also) and headed out. As I rolled around each corner, my buddies were gone. I was out of breath and slamming it and didn't catch them until the bike path along highway 101. Thankfully, it was a gentleman's pace for the most part after that. Peter, Paul and or Ken graciously breaking wind, in a good way of course as Ed and I floated on their coat tails. My favorite part though was when I shut the group up. We were bending around Dead Man's corner on the way up to the Golden Gate Bridge. You see, Peter and Paul were chatting up a storm while effortlessly ascending. I piped in and announced as soon as we reach the top, we were to double back and retrieve Ed (dropped chain was the rumor). In return, I got silence. Not even a cricket in the distance. All for one and one for all right? Lol. No worries though, Ed joined us soon enough and we proceeded to kill the bridge. Amigos Wednesdays are way better than Century Fridays. Although I liked it better when my buddies were out of shape. Oh well, gotta keep spinning to keep up.
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