That Takes a Huge Amount of Skill
"...that takes some serious skill!" Were the comments I heard from the 8th graders walking by me. I told them thanks, as I handed my son his bike. I managed to ride down a steep hill with two mostly full size bikes. My left hand grasping the left brake and pulling back, hard mind you, while my right arm balanced my road bike off to the right. Careful not to let it snag in my shorts and take all of us down. That would be a sight, two bikes and myself all over the road. Garage sale anyone?
I repeated this exercise when I picked up my daughter after school. No appreciation there though..for today we were bringing her friend home. we walked to her friend's home and you know it, we got her bike and the three of us rode back to our home.
I didn't plan on riding today, but after I went out yet again to pick up my car $700 later (needed brakes all the way around), I managed nine miles Not bad for a non riding day.
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