The Endless Spin that Drives Me
Deep in thought, I continuously re- prioritize the tasks for the day. And then down the order I go following up with other tech PMs and developers over and over. And of course I get to wear my own developer hat as well scripting extreme code (spaghetti code) with the best of the other google hack artists. But all the while I'm just biding time for the ride home. You may see me in my winter sport coat but in my own mind I've got my racing glasses on and I'm ready to fly. My ride home will be anything but normal. Every mile, every turn is burned into my memory like a bobsled racer who has memorized their turns. There is not a single point of the commute that I don't have an answer for if someone were to challenge or if a car drives with lunacy. The frustration burns inside as my lungs still sear at any prolonged effort in the cold headwinds. My roll home quickly becomes an affront to my sanity as I desperately crave
the banana in my back pack, but am too stubborn to lose precious minutes back to my car. And the challenge, it never comes. I only dust a few tourists off but we know they don't count for anything. Instead, today's commute home was for planning. Planning how to attack the evening carpools to hoop practice but not before I feed them my world famous grilled salmon. And yes my dear, you are looking as beautiful as ever. I must remind my son to bring our dogs food and water inside. Are you still with me. Must remember to steer clear of pothole that George broke his collarbone on. This is my ride, this is your day, this is our day. Everyday a matter of priorities and naming and executing until the end. Homework done? Barely, it's late so go to bed. As I get ready to go to bed finally, my mind has completed my mental checklist that started as soon as I left work. Only to realize I haven't put the chickens away yet. The raccoons will just have to be disappointed again. I hope I see some stars while I'm out. And if I'm lucky, ill spy an owl as well as he silently glides away. He too has been planning and it's his turn now.
the banana in my back pack, but am too stubborn to lose precious minutes back to my car. And the challenge, it never comes. I only dust a few tourists off but we know they don't count for anything. Instead, today's commute home was for planning. Planning how to attack the evening carpools to hoop practice but not before I feed them my world famous grilled salmon. And yes my dear, you are looking as beautiful as ever. I must remind my son to bring our dogs food and water inside. Are you still with me. Must remember to steer clear of pothole that George broke his collarbone on. This is my ride, this is your day, this is our day. Everyday a matter of priorities and naming and executing until the end. Homework done? Barely, it's late so go to bed. As I get ready to go to bed finally, my mind has completed my mental checklist that started as soon as I left work. Only to realize I haven't put the chickens away yet. The raccoons will just have to be disappointed again. I hope I see some stars while I'm out. And if I'm lucky, ill spy an owl as well as he silently glides away. He too has been planning and it's his turn now.
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