Cycledelic Tunnel

It's tough to take a decent shot while riding in the dark. It's a shame for I'm unable to share the stars blinking down on us, or the eerie hillside shadows playing tricks on your mind as you roll by. A world class cycling tunnel however is something else. Not sure if my lack of sugar was to blame but the cycledelic colors through the tunnel this morning were simply eye popping. Riding through I fully expected to hear Jimi Hendrix bounce a guitar riff off the walls.

In tune with the ride, after meeting up with Todd he noted nostalgically of the days he'd listen to a famous Motown drummer live on stage...and btw are you still playing the fiddle? As he noted how his buddy plays the fiddle like a Satrianni on guitar I had visions of a rather expensive electric violin I've been craving. And guilt immediately sets in as I have yet to sign my daughter up for singing and piano lessons.
As our route concluded like a sheet of music, dotted with runs, time outs, and a medium tempo I was ready for the day. I just hope I get to hear the same tune on the way home. Then again playing a record backwards is never quite what you expect.


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