Ok, just kidding about the title, or am I? Manipulation of your foes via the media and various digital footprints is common. MAMILs are not immune to this. Keep your opponent guessing is a tactic that Destroyer uses often. From plants on fb, to passing clues to friends verbally, or a casual mention in a group email - the tactics are never ending. In his defense, some of his plants are deliberate in order to motivate me to challenge him more closely. And I do appreciate a fire being lit. But that aside, for the most part I don't believe anything unsolicited I hear or read. At the same time, I believe anything is possible. I can afford this for I'm riding for the GC (General Classification) not the battles in between. Destroyer is well aware of my ability to scrape info online. He knows I have my spies in the peloton or even on the ferry. He just doesn't know who yet. Cyclists are proud of their accomplishments, and we know if we verbalize our goals we're held accountable by our peers. Therefore, s
omewhere between the lines of social media broadcasting and verbal conversations the truth is revealed. In the end, regardless of what is said or posted - we ride.
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