There will always be another day to ride. Thankfully I believe in that nonsense for today nothing went as planned. My morning assault on the local time trial segment was torpedoed by my lack of sleep. Later my lunch time ride was sideswiped by a tour of camp daddy duty. And then my early evening ride with my son (during my daughter's soccer practice) went south for my son was tired and starving. I had packed everything. Clothes, bikes , helmets even ice cold drinks to combat the temps in the high 80s. Oh wait, food too? Nope. Crash and burn as my son was running on a diet consisting of a hot dog and cake (cake??) today. I had a goal of 40 miles today but instead managed about 8. Don't get me wrong, we had fun regardless of the short distance as the photo will attest to. And who knows, the night isn't over yet. But if it's anything like today, there will always be tomorrow.
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